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The Governor’s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities

GCEPD’s Mission

  • Promote the employment of people with disabilities;

  • Produce and provide an environment that strives to include and integrate people with disabilities into the workforce;

  • Promote and establish initiatives designed to highlight the benefits of employing people with disabilities.

GCEPD’s Current Initiatives

  • Provide education and awareness on the benefits of hiring qualified candidates with disabilities;
  • Promote and support the activities of local communities throughout the state to enhance the employment of persons with disabilities;
  • Maintain a website of disability resources for both employers and job seekers.

Hiring People with Disabilities 

Reasons why employers say they don’t hire people with disabilities:

  • 66% - Lack of qualified candidates;

  • 39% - Not sure how to find qualified candidates

Employment of Americans with Disabilities 2010 Survey 

How do Companies Currently Recruit Individuals with Disabilities?

  • Employee referrals – 70%
  • Friends or word-of-mouth – 62%
  • Online job boards – 58%
  • Non-Profits – 40%
  • State or federal agencies – 39%
  • Educational or training institutions – 36%
  • Temp Agencies – 31%
  • Independent or Private recruiters – 20%

How Can Employers Find Qualified Employees with Disabilities? 

Post your jobs in CT DOL’s Job Bank

Contact one of the following State Agencies: 

Recruit recent college graduates

Workforce Recruitment Program

  • In collaboration with the Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. DOL, EARN administers the Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP).

  • WRP connects private employers and government agencies to a database of +2,000 pre-screened, qualified college students and recent grads with disabilities seeking summer internships or permanent employment.

  • Participants come from + 200 U.S. colleges and are selected for the program by professional recruiters following an extensive application and interview process.

  • Contact the Career Development Center at local colleges.

Hiring Individuals with Disabilities Makes Good Business Sense

  • Strong human capital strategies to maintain your competitive edge;

  • Expand your talent pool by recruiting candidates with disabilities;

  • Gain access to a skilled and valued workforce;

  • Enhance diversity of your workforce with employees with disabilities;

  • Retain the skills and knowledge of employees who acquire disabilities.

Lower labor costs by leveraging tax benefits

Business Tax Credits and Deductions

The IRS provides:

  • Information and appropriate forms for small businesses to get a tax credit and a tax deduction for all businesses.

  • The form that employers must complete when filing the Work Opportunity Tax Credit.

For more info call:  1-800-829-1040

Capitalize on New Market Opportunities

  • Mirror the market to attract a wider customer base.

  • Increase your market share.

Myths vs. Facts on Accommodations

Myth: Providing accommodations for people with disabilities is expensive.
Fact: 73% of employers said their employees with disabilities required no accommodation at all.  50% of employers said accommodations were made at no cost and 42% of employers made a one time accommodation cost of less than $600.
Myth: Employees with disabilities do not stay in jobs long.
Fact: Employers reported that employees with disabilities have better retention rates, thereby reducing the high cost of turnover.
Myth: Employees with disabilities have poor attendance.
Fact: Employers reported that employees with disabilities have the same absenteeism rate as employees without disabilities.

Additional Disability Resources

  • Connect-Ability - a statewide grant whose purpose is to identify and remove barriers to employment faced by people with disabilities. Connect-Ability provides tools and technical assistance to employers.

  • CT BLN - The Connecticut Business Leadership Network is a growing coalition of CT employers that are working together to increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

  • CTYLP - The Connecticut Youth Leadership Project is a program designed to help youth with disabilities realize their leadership potential.

  • JAN - The Job Accommodation Network offers employers free, expert and confidential one-on-one guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues.

  • NEAT - Located in Hartford, New England Assistive Technology provides information, services, equipment and devices to persons with disabilities.

  • EARN - The Employer Assistance and Resource Network is a national organization that supports employers in recruiting, hiring, and retaining employees with disabilities through free consultation, technical assistance, and customized training.

The Governor’s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities

Contact Us:

200 Folly Brook Boulevard

Wethersfield, CT  06109 

(860) 263-6067

200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109 / Phone: 860-263-6000

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