Void 11 - I updated my banking information on the www.FileCTUI.com – please reissue my payment(s).


ADVISEMENT REGARDING THE ENTRY OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: This form requires the entry of confidential information. Therefore, it is extremely important for you to close down your browser completely after submitting the form. This will prevent others from accessing the information you have entered. To close down your browser, click the "x" in the top right-hand corner of the browser window.  

You have indicated you updated your banking information and are requesting that your unemployment compensation payments be reissued. Please complete the form below.


Before submitting this form, please verify that all required information is fully completed and that the information matches what you provided to the Department of Labor when you originally filed your claim.

* - Denotes required field

I certify that I am the claimant indicated below.  I understand that the law provides penalties for making false statements or any misrepresentation to obtain unemployment benefits. 


* Full Name  

* SSN     (format = ######### - no dashes please)

* Mother's Maiden Name (for verification purposes):   

* Date of Birth (for verification purposes):      (MM/DD/YYYY)

* Email Address: (to contact you only for confirmation)  

Contact Phone (including area code)    (format = 000-000-0000)

By submitting this form you are informing us that you have updated your banking information and are requesting your payment(s) to be reissued.


NOTE: If the form instructs you to make changes AFTER pressing the "Submit" button, return to the form by pressing the "Back" button on your computer. This will retain the information you've already entered. If you press the "Return to the Form" link at the bottom of the page, you will lose all of the information you've previously entered.